Saturday, March 22, 2014

Madridejo v. De Leon, 55 Phil 1

FACTS: Eulogio de Leon and Flaviana Perez were man and wife and had one child, Domingo de Leon. Eulogio de Leon died in 1915. During her widowhood, Flaviana Perez lived with Pedro Madridejo, a bachelor. Pedro Madridejo and Flaviana Perez had a child named Melecio Madridejo. On July 8, 1920, Flaviana Perez, being at death's door, was married to Pedro Madridejo, a bachelor, 30 years of age, by virtue of articulo mortis, by the parish priest of Siniloan. She died on the following day, leaving Domingo de Leon, her son in her first marriage, and Melecio Madridejo, her son in her second husband. The parish priest failed to send a copy of the marriage certificate to the municipal secretary.

ISSUE: WON the marriage is valid

HELD: Yes, the failure of the priest to send a copy of the marriage certificate does not affect the validity of their marriage because it is only an irregularity of a formal requisite. Failure of the priest to send a copy of the marriage certificate to the municipal secretary does not invalidate the marriage in articulo mortis, it not appearing that the essential requisites required by law for its validity were lacking in the ceremony, and the forwarding of a copy of the marriage certificate is not one of said essential requisites.

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