Saturday, March 22, 2014

Marcos v. Manglapus, G.R. No. 88211. Oct. 27, 1989

FACTS: On September 15, 1989. The court decided (8-7) that the disapproval of Aquino to issue travel documents to Marcoses are not made with grave abuse of discretion on the ground that it will post threat to national security. On September 28, 1989, Marcos died in Hawaii. President Aquino said in a statement that the remains of Marcos will not be allowed to be brought to the country until such time as the government, under Cory’s or succeeding administration decide otherwise. This was done to prevent any tranquility of the state and order of society which might arise from those who will take the death of Marcos passionately. Petitioners, family of Marcos, asserted that they have right to travel and return.

ISSUE: W/N Ferdinand Marcos can still return. W/N he still has this right.

HELD: No. A corpse does not have civil personality. Therefore, it can be restricted to enter the country.

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