Saturday, March 22, 2014

Te v. Choa, G.R. No. 126446, Nov. 29, 2000 (346 SCRA 327

FACTS: In 1988, Arthur Te and Lilian Choa married in civil rites. Although they did not live together, they would usually see each other. In 1989, Liliana gave birth to their daughter. Thereafter, Arthur stopped visiting her. In 1990, Arthur contracted another marriage while still married to Liliana. Hence, Liliana filed a bigamy case against Te and administrative case for the revocation of his and his mistress’ engineering license. Te filed a petition for nullity of marriage. RTC rendered a decision on the bigamy case even the petition for annulment was pending.

ISSUE: W/N the annulment should be resolved first before the criminal and administrative case be decided upon.

HELD: NO. Outcome The annulment case had no bearing on Te’s guilt in the bigamy case. The ground cited by Te for the annulment was for voidable marriage. Hence, he was still validly married when he committed bigamy.

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