Monday, December 19, 2016


TOPIC: Worker’s Right of Self-Organization; Supervisors

1. Petitioner Cathay Pacific Steel Corporation (CAPASCO) hired private respondent Tamondong as Assistant to the Personnel Manager for its Cainta Plant on 16 February 1990. Thereafter, he was promoted to the position of Personnel/Administrative Officer, and later to that of Personnel Superintendent.
2.   Sometime in June 1996, the supervisory personnel of CAPASCO launched a move to organize a union among their ranks, later known as private respondent CAPASCO Union of Supervisory Employees (CUSE).
3.   Private respondent Tamondong actively involved himself in the formation of the union and was even elected as one of its officers after its creation. Consequently, petitioner CAPASCO sent a memo to private respondent Tamondong requiring him to explain and to discontinue from his union activities, with a warning that a continuance thereof shall adversely affect his employment in the company. Private respondent Tamondong ignored said warning and made a reply letter, invoking his right as a supervisory employee to join and organize a labor union.
4.   In view of that, on 6 February 1997, petitioner CAPASCO through a memo terminated the employment of private respondent Tamondong on the ground of loss of trust and confidence, citing his union activities as acts constituting serious disloyalty to the company.

Private respondent Tamondong challenged his dismissal for being illegal and as an act involving unfair labor According to him, there was no just cause for his dismissal and it was anchored solely on his involvement and active participation in the organization of the union of supervisory personnel in CAPASCO. He claimed that such was not a valid ground to terminate his employment because it was a legitimate exercise of his constitutionally guaranteed right to self-organization.

In contrast, petitioner CAPASCO contended that by virtue of private respondent Tamondongs position as Personnel Superintendent and the functions actually performed by him in the company, he was considered as a managerial employee, thus, under the law he was prohibited from joining a union as well as from being elected as one of its officers.

LA – in favor of Tamondong
NLRC – modified the decision
CA – Granted the petition for certiorari of Tamandong

ISSUE: Whether or not Tamandong was illegally dismissed for joining the said union.

RULING: Yes. The dismissal of Tamondong was illegal because he was deprived of his right of self-organization, joining a union.

The Court of Appeals cannot be said to have acted with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in annulling the Decision of the NLRC because the findings of the Court of Appeals that private respondent Tamondong was indeed a supervisory employee and not a managerial employee, thus, eligible to join or participate in the union activities of private respondent CUSE, were supported by evidence on record.

In the Decision of the Court of Appeals t made reference to the Memorandum, which required private respondent Tamondong to observe fixed daily working hours from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. This imposition upon private respondent Tamondong, according to the Court of Appeals, is very uncharacteristic of a managerial employee.

To support such a conclusion, the Court of Appeals cited the case of Engineering Equipment, Inc. v. NLRC where this Court held that one of the essential characteristics of an employee holding a managerial rank is that he is not subjected to the rigid observance of regular office hours or maximum hours of work.


DOCTRINE: Supervisors can join unions. Article 212(m) of the Labor Code, as amended, differentiates supervisory employees from managerial employees, to wit: supervisory employees are those who, in the interest of the employer, effectively recommend such managerial actions, if the exercise of such authority is not merely routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use of independent judgment; whereas, managerial employees are those who are vested with powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute management policies and/or hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees.

Thus, from the foregoing provision of the Labor Code, it can be clearly inferred that private respondent Tamondong was just a supervisory employee. Private respondent Tamondong did not perform any of the functions of a managerial employee as stated in the definition given to it by the Code. Hence, the Labor Code provisions regarding disqualification of a managerial employee from joining, assisting or forming any labor organization does not apply to herein private respondent Tamondong. Being a supervisory employee of CAPASCO, he cannot be prohibited from joining or participating in the union activities of private respondent CUSE, and in making such a conclusion, the Court of Appeals did not act whimsically, capriciously or in a despotic manner, rather, it was guided by the evidence submitted before it.

Thus, given the foregoing findings of the Court of Appeals that private respondent is a supervisory employee, it is indeed an unfair labor practice on the part of petitioner CAPASCO to dismiss him on account of his union activities, thereby curtailing his constitutionally guaranteed right to self-organization,

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