Saturday, March 22, 2014

Crewlink v.Teringtering, G.R. No. 166803, October 14, 2012

FACTS: Respondent Editha Teringtering, spouse of deceased Jacinto Teringtering, and in behalf of her minor child, filed a complaint against Crewlink for the payment of death benefits, benefit for minor child, burial assistance, damages, and attorney’s fees. Editha alleged that her husband entered into an overseas employment contract with Crewlink, had medical examinations and was declared fit to work. On April 9, 2001, Jacinto died due to drowning. Editha claimed for compensation but was denied by Crewlink. She claimed that the fact Jacinto died during the term of his contract and while still on board is enough for her to claim for compensation. She asserted that the death was not deliberate and of his own will but as a result of mental disorder. Crewlink, on the other hand, claimed that Jacinto jumped off the ship twice. He was just saved the 1st time. Hence, it is a clear manifestation that it was Jacinto’s will to jump off the 2nd time.

ISSUE: W/N Jacinto was insane.

HELD: No evidence showed respondent’s claim. Depression does not equate to mental disorder.

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