Saturday, March 22, 2014

Standard Oil v. Arenas, G.R. No. L-5921, July 25, 1911

FACTS: Standard Oil sued 5 debtors for payment, including appellant Vicente Villanueva who acted as surety to the loan. CFI Manila ordered the defendants to pay jointly and severally to the plaintiffs. While the judgment was in the course of execution, Elisa Villanueva, wife of Vicente, appealed and alleged that her husband was declared insane.

ISSUE: W/N suffering from monomania of wealth necessarily warrants the conclusion that the person does not have capacity to act

HELD: Villanueva possess the capacity to act. No evidence that a person suffering from a monomania of wealth is really insane and incapable of binding himself in a contract. Capacity to act must be presumed to attach to every person who has not been previously declared to be incapable, and to continue until the contrary is proven

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