Saturday, March 22, 2014

SiaSuan&Chiao v. Alcantara, 85 Phil 669

FACTS: A deed of sale was executed by Rufino Alcantara and his sons Damaso and Ramon conveying to SiaSuan 5 parcels of land. Gaw Chiao, husband of SiaSuan, received a letter from the lawyer of Ramon informing him that Ramon was a minor, hence, disavowing the contract. After Gaw Chiao responded to the letter, Ramon went to Gaw Chiao’s counsel ratifying the sale. Ramon received P500 as payment for sold parcels of land. On August 8, 1940, 9 years after, an action was instituted by Ramon in CFI Laguna for the annulment of the sale alleging he was a minor at that time. CFI dismissed the case. CA reversed CFI’s ruling. Hence this petition.

ISSUE: W/N the execution of sale by Ramon was valid

HELD: Yes. He even ratified it which made the contract binding.

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