Saturday, March 22, 2014

Braganza v. Villa-Abrille, 105 Phil 456

FACTS: Rosario Braganza and her sons loaned from De Villa Abrille P70,000 in Japanese war notes. They promised in writing to pay him P10,000 + 2% per annum in legal currency of the Philippines in 2 years after cessation of war. Because they haven’t paid, Abrille sued them. CFI Manila and CA held that they shall be liable to pay according to the contract they signed. Braganza petitioned to review the decision of CA whereby they were ordered to pay Abrille P10,000 + 2% interest, praying for consideration of the minority of her sons when they signed the contract.

ISSUE: W/N the sons who were 16 and 18 are bound by the contract of loan which they have signed

HELD: SC found Rosario will still be liable to pay her share in contract because the minority of her sons does not release her from liability. She ordered to pay 1/3 of P10,000 + 2% interest. Minority is a personal defense to the children. In order to hold a minor liable to the contract, the fraud must be actual and not constructive.

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